If you’re reading this consider yourself blessed because 2020 kicked our butt! It was probably one of the most bizarre and unpredictable years that many of us experienced in our lifetime. As I reflect on last year, I sincerely wondered how everyone coped or didn’t cope with all that happened. Some may have floated through the year without thinking about it (auto pilot style), some may have felt desensitized at times (numbing emotions to gear you into survival mode) or you felt everything from anxiety to depression. Regardless of what you felt just know that it’s OKAY!
Many of us did not know how to feel or what to do with what we felt. It was so hard to wrap our minds around everything because it was one thing after the next. We either let our feelings out or pack it in a box and put it on a shelf. Whatever the emotional weight you may be carrying, I challenge you today to sort through those feelings like a deck of cards. It’s important that we do address our emotions because it can show up as stress—and stress can manifest as health problems in the future. Studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between stress and the wellbeing of your health. When we don’t have our health….well you can fill in the blank.
If someone asked you how you are doing, would you be able to tell them? Do you know where you carry the most stress in your body or how it manifests in your life? These are questions that we need to ask ourselves so we can “stay woke” on how we are feeling mind, body and soul. This is where mindfulness can become very helpful. Mindfulness is a form of meditation that if we really tap into it, we can become extremely aware of every emotion that we are sensing and feeling. Now, this may not be the best approach for everyone but it’s definitely a practice that helps you to identify your stress and stress triggers. Picture this: TSA sends our bags through the scanner at the airport to search for items that don’t belong. Well, we should scan our body for emotions like a “body scan” to see what needs to be removed. We owe ourselves that time to honor our body with selfcare.
With all the noise in the world and media pumping us with so much information, it causes a visceral reaction in some cases. They’re so dramatic lol. No I’m not hating on media, I just feel that we need to monitor how much we intake whether it’s media or some other source. We often think we’re fine but subconsciously we hold on to certain thoughts and emotions. Have you ever thought to yourself where that energy goes? For me, I have noticed that I hold the most stress in my back which intensifies and spreads to my head and neck. This also leads to having migraines and my face breaking out—not cool.
Since stress can manifest into so many different health forms, it is imperative that we find healthy outlets such as: talking to someone, praying, exercising, watching what you eat, listening to music, hanging with loved ones, having quiet time alone with a cup of tea etc. Whatever it is, we have to make it a priority to practice self-care no matter what. From personal experience, I know what it’s like to work or “grind” to the point of a nervous breakdown—and let me tell you, it ain’t cute! Neither was the hospital bill I received. Now that I think about it, you save a lot more by making self-care a priority. I view it as the highest form of self-love. When we don’t take care of ourselves, how can we make an authentic impact with others. As my grandmother always said, “Prevention is better than cure.” If you haven’t figured it out yet, I am STRESSING how important it is to DE-STRESS! Contrary to what you or anyone else may think, just know that YOU are worth it 😉.
Important Note About Mental Health: If you or anyone you know is dealing with mental health challenges, please know that you are not alone and there are resources out there to support you. Don’t do this by yourself and don’t be afraid or ashamed to reach out for help. Below are some resources that offer support. Peace and blessings!
*National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
*Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: *https://www.samhsa.gov
*SAMHSA’s National Helpline –1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Love this…hoping and praying for a better 2021..success sis 🤗🤗🤗