Uterine Fibroids: The Physical, Mental, and Emotional Perspective

Uterine Fibroids: The Physical, Mental, and Emotional Perspective

Fibroids are benign tumors that grow in the uterus during child bearing years.  That’s the definition but it’s so much deeper than that.  How do I know?  Because it’s one of the uterine conditions I’ve had to endure for over a decade.  I’m about to take you on a journey with the hope that it will inspire other  black women to know that they are not alone–like sis, I sincerely feel your pain.  Fibroids can affect women in various sub-groups but according to many studies black women are affected at a higher rate.  There are many women in my family and circle of friends who have had and still have uterine fibroids. 

What some people don’t realize, is that living with fibroids can be multi-faceted.  It comes with so many side effects that impact women physically, mentally and emotionally.  This goes for other uterine conditions that we will explore as well.  In my experience, I had to learn how to deal with each of those layers for many years.  I also feel that this is a topic that we need to talk about more often so that we are not suffering in silence. 

As I started talking to the women in my life who have experienced fibroids or other uterine conditions, I realized how common it was for them to talk about how they plan their life around their menstrual cycle!  That’s bananas, but I sincerely understand because I did the same thing too.  These beautiful women have dealt with anxiety, depression, fatigue, heavy bleeding to the point where they needed to have a blood transfusion, massive pain, severe anemia, miscarriages, several surgeries and so many other problems.  In some cases, women have said they were embarrassed to talk about it because they were shamed or not taken seriously.  Yo—that is a serious problem for me.  No woman should be ashamed or fearful to discuss these problems.  So ladies lets speak our truth…

P.S.  Just a heads up this is going to be a very detailed story and to some people it may be “TMI” however, my hope is to break those barriers so women can feel comfortable discussing what they have to deal with every month or even on a day to day basis. 

Peace and blessings!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Cassandra

    Congrats again on your Blog Ms. Lady, it’s fantastic and a great platform to share your experiences. I’ve suffered from similar sized fibroids many years ago and felt so liberated to be freed from its affects. From unbearable mentral cycles to debilitating stomach aches, it was a challenging time but by the Grace of God, successful removal of those unwelcome body dwellers and diet changes have had a profound impact on my physical and mental well being since. Glad your surgery was successful. So get ready for more fruitful, painless and zen-filled days ahead….Go for the Gusto!!!

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